Security at Drips

Your trust in Drips is our top priority. Drips enables enterprises across industries to improve their proactive outreach strategy. Protecting your data and ensuring high product reliability is essential to helping our clients achieve their goals.
Best In Class

Security Procedures

Drips is ready and able to work with major enterprises in highly regulated industries who need robust data security. From the foundations of our platform to our operational practices and third-party testing and certifications, the security and privacy of client and customer data is always our priority.

Certified Secure

Drips maintains both ISO 27001 and HITRUST certifications. ISO/IEC 27001 is a widely known standard for risk management in information security management systems (ISMS). The HITRUST CSF integrates dozens of major security and privacy-related standards and regulations, including the HIPAA security rule requirements.

Data Encryption

Client data is protected with encryption at rest and in transit. Network traffic is secured by HTTPS over public networks and continuously monitored for malicious traffic and network attacks.

Access Controls

Drips provides controls to ensure data is only accessed by authorized persons. This includes 2FA and IP whitelisting protection. We also offer role-based platform privileges to enforce organization-wide data access policies.


Drips uses industry best practices to protect the privacy of our clients’ personal data. This includes following the CCPA and other applicable legislation.

Third-Party Penetration Testing

To ensure the security and privacy of client data, each year Drips employs third-party security experts to perform a broad penetration test across Drips production applications and production network.

Disaster Recovery

The Drips disaster recovery (DR) program ensures that services remain available or are easily recoverable in the case of a disaster with a robust technical environment, disaster recovery plans, governance and oversight policies, and thorough testing.

Built on Best-in-Class Technologies

The Drips platform provides clients with high performance and availability. Using best-in-class technologies such as Azure, Drips can elastically scale to meet demand and leverage secure and redundant data centers.

Get Your Questions Answered

Is Drips ISO 27001-certified?

Yes, Drips is ISO 27001 certified. ISO/IEC 27001 is the best-known standard for information security management systems (ISMS). Meeting ISO 27001 requirements means that Drips has implemented a system to manage risks related to the security of data we handle.

What is data-driven marketing?

Data-driven marketing is a strategy that uses insights derived from customer information and behavior to tailor marketing efforts. It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to understand customer preferences, segment audiences, and personalize campaigns. By leveraging data from various sources like demographics, purchase history, and online interactions, marketers can make informed decisions to optimize targeting, messaging, and timing of their marketing initiatives, ultimately improving customer engagement and ROI.

What is CCPA?

CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) is a state-level privacy law that regulates the collection, use, and sharing of personal information by businesses operating in California. It grants consumers rights regarding their data and imposes obligations on businesses to enhance data protection and transparency. Like most state-level regulations, Drips carefully employs specific controls to help empower your compliance with this law.

See How Drips Can Transform Your Outreach

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