Drips Use Cases

Our customized outreach solutions can adapt to a wide range of audiences and campaigns. We've successfully driven outcomes at every stage of the consumer journey.
Use Case


Engage More Consumers

Drips enables organizations to start real conversions at scale with prospective customers, leading to higher conversions.
  • Engage hard-to-reach audiences
  • Drive conversions
  • Leading-edge compliance
Hi Mary, it’s Joy from Health Today. I saw your request for info about our HealthPlus Silver plan. Can I call to tell you more?
No problem, we'll call to-
morrow at 10 AM.

How AIS Insurance Doubled Their Transfer Rate

See how Drips reinvigorated AIS’ quoted-not-sold follow-up approach with a conversational messaging strategy. The result? Increased engagement with AIS’ audience and a higher rate of conversion for inbound phone calls.
Read Case Study
Use Case


Welcome With Value

Maintain engagement after a sale or enrollment to improve satisfaction and outcomes.
  • Drive welcome calls, app downloads, and more
  • Share educational content
  • Establish customer trust
Hi Mary, it’s Joy from Health Today. I saw your request for info about our HealthPlus Silver plan. Can I call to tell you more?
No problem, we'll call to-
morrow at 10 AM.

How A Top-Five Healthcare Payer Reimagined New Member Education

For ACA health plans, investing in new member education is key. Learn how a top-five payer increased engagement and resolved common issues with conversational AI outreach.
Use Case


Nurture Your Audience

Share new services, guide utilization, and set the stage for increased customer lifetime value.
  • Maintain ongoing engagement
  • Steer toward positive actions and away from potential issues
  • Earn loyalty and build reputation
Hi Mary, it’s Joy from Health Today. I saw your request for info about our HealthPlus Silver plan. Can I call to tell you more?
No problem, we'll call to-
morrow at 10 AM.

How a Top-Five Healthcare Payer Reimagined New Member Education

For ACA health plans, investing in new member education is key. Learn how a top-five payer increased engagement and resolved common issues with conversational AI outreach.
Use Case


Retain And Renew

Engage about missed bills and other barriers safely and empathetically, while saving time for agents.
  • Send effective bill reminders before and after due date
  • Drive to autopay
  • Support retention efforts such as surveys
Hi Mary, it’s Joy from Health Today. I saw your request for info about our HealthPlus Silver plan. Can I call to tell you more?
No problem, we'll call to-
morrow at 10 AM.

How A Leading Auto Insurer Brought In $5M By Improving Retention

Learn how Drips helped a leading insurance carrier improve retention with coordinated conversational outreach campaigns, all while improving the policyholder experience.

Additional Use Cases

Have another use case in mind? Drips campaigns are always customized to meet your unique audience and business goals. Contact our team to explore how Conversations as a Service can work for your organization.
Contact Drips

Get Your Questions Answered

How does Drips handle regulatory and compliance issues around bill collection?

Drips stays on the leading edge of changing regulations, so we are well aware of how complex the rules are around billing. Our Drips Rules Engine (DRE) employs specific logic to help you keep billing outreach within CFPB and other federal and state guidelines. To take just one example, our system understands that Massachusetts limits billing outreach to a maximum of three touchpoints per week.

What is the Navigate category of Drips use cases?

Our Navigate use cases encompass all outreach programs that expand or add value to the customer relationship after the initial onboarding period. These use cases vary by industry. For example, healthcare organizations can greatly increase performance of campaigns to drive patients to generic reformulations or help plan members complete comprehensive medication reviews. Your Drips team can help your organization identify where Drips can add value to their stage in your consumers' journey.

Are the use cases in the Acquire category all centered around outreach to marketing leads?

We define our Acquire category as use cases that turn consumers into customers. While it absolutely covers lead follow up, it covers a much broader set of use cases including re-marketing, human-initiated lead generation, Medicare age-in, and more.

See How Drips Can Transform Your Outreach

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